What is a Coffey Note?
A Coffey Note is a brief informational blog on a topics that will help you improve your Mental Game in Basketball so you can Reach Peak Performance.
When you suffer from an injury it can change your mental game in basketball and the way you think and play the game. After an athlete recovers fully from an injury it may leave leave mental scars. Prior to the injury you felt invincible. After the injury your rhythm and safety is off balance, there is anxiety and fear of re-injury. If there is any comfort in knowing that this is a normal reaction; take comfort and use that to your advantage as you recover.
To overcome fear and anxiety it is important to focus on what is important to your performance as it relates to your contribution to winning the game. It is also important to focus on positive play rather than thinking and dwelling on avoiding re-injury. Trying to avoid re-injury, increases the probability of re-injury. It will also cause you to play tentatively and not perform your best.
To retrain the brain to overcome fear and anxiety this exercise is very helpful if done correctly and consistently. Before each practice and game, take several deep cleansing breaths, then visualize yourself playing effortlessly the way you did prior to the injury. This will help ease your anxiety and fear while helping you regain your basketball mental toughness and confidence.
Although this sounds like a simple task, it can be very difficult. Mental Game Coaches are trained to help athletes overcome their fears and deal with anxiety. If you feel you have anxiety and fear of re injury we can teach you how to change your behaviors and overcome your fears, so you can get back into the physical and mental game in basketball and worry less about getting re-injured.
Download the free mental game assessment and get started on Improving your Mental Game in Basketball.