The ability to have a zone like focus is an important part to developing a strong mental game in basketball.
Players often focus on things they cannot control. They worry about things such as the other team, what people are saying or even the crown intensity.
This type of focus has no value. It actually hurts the player, destroys confidence and interferes with developing basketball mental toughness. It often takes the focus off the things that can be changed and bring about worry, anxiety, doubt and fear; which result in poor performance.
Nothing hurts a player more than worrying about things they cannot change.
To reach peak performance in basketball a player must focus on the things within their control. Focusing on things you can control ARE the things you can change. Once you identify the things you can change put an action plan in place to work on it consistently.
This will help you develop a zone like focus and reach peak performance in Basketball.
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Improving your Mental Game in Basketball.