
Basketball Mental Skills Article

SMART Goal Setting and Mental Toughness

“The most important key to achieving great success is to decide upon your goal and launch, get started, take action, move.” John Wooden

coffey-note-mental-toughnesThe mental game of basketball hinges entirely on how one prepares for competition by way of practice, actualization and goal setting.

Basketball psychology for the modern game is comprised of many different goals to achieve both independently and as a team or collective.

True basketball mental toughness is defined by grit, resiliency, and the ability to bounce back from defeat or disappointment, and a commitment to measurable goals is a crucial key in that process of unlocking individual and team success.

The SMART system of goal setting is a great sports psychology tool building basketball mental toughness, as it outlines the most effective means to establish goals that are comprised of 5 key elements:

Specific – define a specific goal that can be worked towards, whether it is running through each practice without any setbacks, or nailing five straight three-point shots in a row, be as specific as the results you are striving to achieve.

Measurable – Make sure that the goal(s) being established can be measured in terms of their success, or lack thereof. This ensures that you can evaluate your goals and improve upon them if need be.

Attainable – Goals that can be achieved are goals that are within reach but require focus and effort in order to see them come to fruition.

Realistic/Relevant – Make sure that the goals you establish are not only realistic but relevant to the larger goal, all-encompassing goal of success in whatever it is that you are working towards.

Time-based – Make sure there is a time limited and the effectiveness of your goal setting is in place. For instance, take a week or two to commit to your goals after setting up your SMART plan and then evaluate the plan to see if you have achieved the success you so desired or whether some further work or goal modification is required.

Basketball mental toughness isn’t strictly based on confidence and self-belief – it can be achieved through the tangible goals that one sets for their benefit and watching those goals come to fruition after hard work, critical evaluation, and ongoing improvements that can help you reach peak performance.

Download the free mental game assessment and get started on Improving your Mental Game in basketball.


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