
Basketball Mental Skills Article

Be a Basketball Superstar with Mental Game Coaching!

“Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory” – Bill Russell

bill-russell-mental-toughneIf you have always believed that a tall and lanky player with high physical agility can conquer the basketball court, think again!

Sports psychology for basketball can explain why mental game coaching for basketball is essential to make a competent basketball player.

What is mental game coaching?

Mental game coaching involves improving the performance of a team as well as an individual by application of psychological aspects which might affect performance in sports.

Certain basketball psychology tools include setting of targets, relaxing the nerves, visualising the right movements and success, positive self-talk, avoiding distractions, practicing to focus and imparting confidence.

What can mental game coaching do for you?

Mental game coaching helps in sharpening the cutting edge skills of even the top performers in basketball.

Basketball mental toughness can be enhanced when the mental game coach can resolve the issues of anxiety, ups and downs in confidence and concentration, mental practice, fear of failing and perfection of skills.

Knowing what mental game coaching can do for you

The coach would first outline the strengths and weaknesses of an individual player using Athlete Mental Aptitude Profile and carry out an evaluation which will guide in understanding the basketball psychology of a subject. The second step is to adapt different methods and skills of attaining the determined goals.

The purpose of mental game coaching is to impart different skills and strategies of basketball psychology into the regular schedule of a player. Then finally, a Mental Game Coach can help the player learn to apply his lessons practically and become competent.

Download the free mental game assessment and get started on Improving your Mental Game in basketball


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