
Basketball Mental Skills Article

Creating the Edge: Mental Coaching for Basketball

Shaq had a passion to succeed, and he had the kind of personality that made him a joy to coach. He had plenty of talent, but no ego.” Coach Dale Brown

dale-brown-mental-toughnessSports psychology for basketball touts the unlimited benefits and advantages of a strong basketball mental toughness.

The rigor and grind of the game, the back and forth physicality of a fast-paced sport, and the occasional do-or-die stress of a close contest all can be game breaking if athletes are not instilled with the form of mental games for basketball needed to overcome such routine obstacles.

Indeed, basketball psychology is one of the athletic world’s hardest mental challenges to be tasked with, and it is up to the great coaches that know how to continuously instill their players with the kind of grit, moxie, swagger, and basketball mental toughness needed to translate their practice work onto the polished courts of primetime.

Coach Brown knew the raw potential in Shaquille O’Neal – the sheer size of ‘Shaq’ made him a physical ‘natural’ for the game of basketball. Knowing the required mental aspect of basketball, Coach Brown found ways to challenge the already-gifted Shaq in order to push the ceiling of his star athlete’s performance potential higher and higher.

By using such basketball mental preparation strategies, great basketball coaches are able to put their team players into a favorable position by the time the game clock starts, and such basketball mental toughness puts athletes over the top of their opponents in a contest where both athletic prowess and mental conditioning work in tandem to win games.

Great basketball coaches like Coach Brown find ways to understand their players, like he did with Shaq, in order to build strong bonds between athlete and leader.

Basketball mental toughness is cultivated, instilled, and refined by using the basketball psychology involved with knowing each player’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for further ongoing development.

Sports psychology for basketball will highlight the fact that basketball mental toughness is the mindset of athletes, and is most often a variable in their game that can determine their on the court success.

Coaches like Coach Brown watch athletes daily that can dominate in a practice period, or impress in the weight room but great coaches use strategies to strengthen each athletes own mental game of basketball in order to ensure that those daily successes translate to the bright lights of the primetime basketball courts on game day.

Creating the edge can make a great player spectacular, like watching Shaq make good on his bold words of delivering a championship to a team or witnessing a team bond grow stronger over a unified team brand or identity as it is instilled by the team coach. These are the mechanics of creating the edge and cultivating a strong and superior basketball mental game.

In a game where seconds count, finger-releases mean winning or losing, and a single shot can change the entire contest, good and effective mental conditioning is not just the responsibility of each athlete, but must be the primary goal of each and every basketball coach that claims to teach the benefits and advantages of modern basketball mental toughness.

Download the free mental game assessment and get started on Improving your Mental Game in basketball.


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