“My success is the outcome of my work. I am willing to do the work.” ~ Delice Coffey
The arrival of the New Year is a good time to reflect on your mental game and think about which direction you might want to go in the future.
Looking back on the year is about gearing yourself up and seeing what you need to do better. It can be tough to know where to start. Or it can feel all too easy to dwell on past disappointments.
If one of your New Year goals is to kickstart your basketball mental game – an ideal way to begin is with a mental skills assessment.
In addition to understanding your strengths and weaknesses, a mental skills assessment will give you a better idea of your current mental state and where you need to focus to develop your mental game.
The Benefits of a Mental Game Assessment:
Mental game assessment is an integral part of sports psychology for basketball, as it determines whether or not your basketball goals are being met.
Mental skills assessment improves your basketball confidence, mental toughness, and overall mental strategies.
A mental skill assessment will help you:
To identify the beliefs and mindsets that hinder your performance.
To reveal triggers that take you out of the zone.
To overcome the mental game obstacles to break through your performance barriers.
To master proven basketball mental game strategies that give your performance a boost!
Although basketball mental game is universally acknowledged as a key ingredient for athletic success, ironically, mental game development is widely misunderstood or disregarded.
In fact, some athletes feel that the task of improving their mental game is only for losers, “problem athletes,” and people who have “mental problems.” This could not be further from the truth.
Basketball mental game skills are essential for all athletes. It will take your mental game to the next level, not only by focusing on physical development but also by improving the key aspects of the mental game.
Selecting the appropriate mental game assessment to use is extremely important and should be done with care and contentiousness.
Remember to keep in mind that you should never rely on one set of data; whether that data comes from testing, an interview, or behavioral observations.
Instead, gather information from a variety of sources and then compare the information in order to consensually validate your conclusions. While tests alone should not be used to make final decisions, they should be a part of the decision-making process.
If you are serious about improving your mental game in 2018 visit my website at www.sportspsychologybasketball.com and take the mental game assessment.
The assessment is free and you are welcome to take advantage of a free 15 minutes consultation with me – Certified Mental Game Coach.
*Download the free mental game assessment and get started on Improving your Mental Game in Basketball.