“I recruit character as much as I recruit ability. And if you’ve built a team of character, they can handle moments that others cannot and they accept coaching on how to manage pressure” Roy Williams
Pressure is very much a part of the basketball. Irrespective of the level you play; most athletes feel pressure at some point in their career.
It is essential that athletes understand and acknowledge that they will feel pressure in certain situations and then develop mental game strategies to deal with it.
Most athletes at the elite level have developed mental game strategies to deal with pressure situations; that is why they can compete at high levels consistently and do well.
The Source of Pressure
Pressure is an internal feeling that is created by the athlete based on how you perceive a particular athletic event. How you view a game will determine your internal response. (Do you see the situation as a challenge or threat?) Ultimately, your perception of the game will determine how you perform.
The bigger the game, the more pressure you will experience. Good players deal with it. Great players love it because they have learned how to use it to their advantage.
In fact, they thrive on the pressure. They train themselves to make sure they perform well in pressured situations. More experienced players interpret this pressure differently; they are excited by it, whereas, the less experienced players might find it stressful.
Learning how to handling pressure is vital if you want to reach your full potential in the game. This is probably the most critical factor when you are competing at a high level.
Sports Pressure and Arousal
Even though pressure is a concept which is primarily created by our minds, it can have both positive and negative effects. You can use the feeling of pressure to your advantage, or it could have a detrimental impact on your mind and your game. It is important that when a situation of tension arises, athletes have the mental skills to cope.
Arousal is a level of activity that athletes experiences. The intensity of arousal falls on a continuum ranging from not aroused at all to completely aroused. As performance levels decrease levels of anxiety and arousal increase.
The increased levels of arousal can lead to increased cognitive state anxiety. This means the athlete will mentally start to become less confident. Then more mistakes are made causing a negative cycle, which will interfere with the athlete’s overall performance.
Handling Sports Pressure
Before or during a game if you get so nervous that you get headaches, become nauseated, or can’t concentrate, that is a sign that you are not managing your stress well and you are doom to perform poorly.
If you are unable to manage your stress, this is where a sports psychologist can help by teaching you the mental skills you need.
*Download the free mental game assessment and get started on Improving your Mental Game in Basketball.