“When players practice what is known as mindfulness–simply paying attention to what’s actually happening–not only do they play better and win more, they also become more attuned with each other.” Phil Jackson
In order to obtain optimal performance in basketball, the mind and body must be in sync and work in coordination with each other; if one falters, the whole performance falters.
In today’s world of ruthless competitiveness, especially in basketball, decisions are made in split seconds, and that decision can change the game. One needs to be not only physically tough but mentally tough.
In games, pressure builds up fast, and there is not much time to think at crucial times. You must act fast, or you may cost the team the game.
Here are some more ways to get your mind and body in sync.
It is often said that any work that has ever been done and has amazed us has been done twice- once inside the creator’s mind and then when it is done in reality. Visualization of what you would like to achieve is critical. Developing your mental game in basketball will help you achieve this. You must practice it, visualize all the possibilities of being in difficult situations and see how you react to it. The more you imagine and the more you practice, your game will sharpen. This will equip you to have mental toughness when the situation presents itself. It is a very powerful technique as the subconscious mind processes the information and assesses it step by step in the time of need; therefore, if your game is well developed mentally, it will act and react the way you need to without hesitation.
Maintaining focus and concentration during the game is necessary because one wrong move can turn the game in favor of the opponent. One should focus and move on the court freely without being distracted from all the noisy surroundings. To achieve this, you must be able to concentrate on the game a 100%. When you are mentally tough, you will be able to block out the bad plays you made or the missed shots that happen. This requires a strong basketball mind to stay orient in the present and not let your mind wander or ponder in the past.
Pre-game Routines & Relaxation
In a packed stadium with the crowd cheering and shouting, one can easily get tensed at crucial moments. It is important to remain calm and relaxed yet alert and focused. Developing a pre-game routine using relaxation techniques will help you relax. There are a lot of relaxation techniques, so it is crucial to tailor the pre-game routine to your specific need. A sport psychologist for basketball or a mental game coach can help you develop a pre-game routine that will meet your needs if the basic deep breathing technique does not work for you. A tense mind causes a tense body, and a tense body will affect your moves on the court. When you can relax and let “it” flow, your perspective becomes more precise. You can make your shots with ease and play defense with aggression, which in turn win games.
Be sure to read last week’s article – How to Get the Mind & Body in Sync – Part I
If you are ready to level up and soar to the top of your game, check out my online course at www.dcmentaltrainingu.com