
Basketball Mental Skills Article

A Coffey Note “The Signs”

“My success is the outcome of my work. I am willing to do the work” Delice Coffey

delice-coffey-mental-toughnDid you know…

Here are 9 signs that your healthy drive for excellence has crossed over into an unhealthy need for perfection.



The Signs are:

1. You View Mistakes as Proof You are Inadequate
2. You Can’t Celebrate Your Success
3. Your Self-Worth Depends on Your Achievement
4. You Demand Perfection from Others
5. Your Mental Health Suffers
6. You Avoid Doing Things at Which You May Fail
7. You Aren’t Satisfied with Your Life
8. You Take a Long Time to Complete Tasks
9. You Invest a Lot of Energy in Masking Your Imperfections

*Download the free mental game assessment and get started on Improving your Mental Game in Football


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