“I’ve never had to rehab anything. This is so tough coming in doing the same thing every day. And then mentally, it can be tough. You’ve got to keep your spirits high, stay positive and come in every day with a mindset of trying to get better.” Russell Westbrook
Any athlete that plays any sport for long usually succumbs to an injury of some kind. This may be a simple muscle strain or a season-ending surgery that will alter the athlete’s mental toughness.
The key is to find a way to use recovery time to increase mental focus and gain overall strength.
When the athlete returns to the sport, they are physically and mentally stronger than pre-injury.
Basketball players who desire to develop unshakable confidence must create and follow a rehabilitation plan—setting a recovery plan that incorporates the mental aspect of recovery decrease the time needed for healing and allows you to return to the game sooner, quicker and faster.
The first key aspect to dealing with injuries is preparation to prevent it. The stellar athlete goes to great lengths to improve their flexibility by stretching exercises, strengthening muscles through weightlifting, creating superb health by eating fresh foods, and living clean lifestyles that promote overall physical and mental health.
Many injuries are prevented by the stretching and health regimen practiced before a workout. While some athletes claim that stretching takes too much time, an injury takes significantly longer to rehabilitate. The hours you spend with preventative measures consistently earn you better performance with fewer injuries.
Sports psychologists for basketball understand many facets of a player’s recovery to become mentally tough following an injury.
Some players experience disbelief and anger. Although these are understandable emotions depending on the severity of the injury, they also limit the players thinking from a positive mindset that is crucial to optimal recovery.
Kobe Bryant expressed anger and disbelief when he suffered a season-ending Achilles tendon injury. “This is such BS! All the training and sacrifice just flew out the window with one step that I’ve done millions of times! The frustration is unbearable. The anger is rage. Why the hell did this happen?!? Makes no damn sense.”
Understandable emotions and reactions do nothing to aid or shorten your recovery from an injury. Once the initial shock wears off, it is crucial to develop a recovery plan, surround yourself with positive voices of encouragement, and focus on the future and what will be, not the past and the “what ifs.”
Developing a mental picture of a triumphant return to the court allows the brain to remain positive while dealing with the effects of an injury.
An excellent recovery plan does not push the player to return before they are physically ready but instead adjusts the timeline of return based on the athlete’s progress and strength.
Every athlete is different, so it is crucial to develop an individual plan based on your strengths and injury.
The mentally tough athlete understands there is no “cookie-cutter” recovery process but rather a long course that should be tailored to the individual to gain maximum recovery.
The athlete who desires to reach their maximum potential must address how an injury affects them mentally and physically.
Athletes who had an injury must return to the game with a vengeance to not personify weakness.
When any injury occurs, it is imperative to realize that a proper rehab program must address both the physical and mental aspects of recovery.
For more information on how to Elevate Your Game visit www.mindsetsportspsychology.com