
Basketball Mental Skills Article

Stress and The Athlete-Part 4 of 4

“Never be ashamed of wanting to be a better you, period.” DeMar DeRozan

This quote by DeMar DeRozan is a good one, to sum up, all four articles. No one should be ashamed of wanting to get better mentally.

According to the research, DeRozan’s openness started the current movement in the NBA. He inspired Kelvin Love to open up about his depression, and the two of them advocated for mental health, which led to the NBA’s mental health care initiatives.”

Let’s keep the conversation going.

Strategies To Deal With Stress

It is ok to seek various ways to deal with your stress, then pick the most effective one for you.

What works for one person may not work for another, and finding the person and the strategies that work for you may take some time.

However, if your stress is challenging to manage, get expert help immediately.

Here are some strategies to deal with your anxiety and sport-related stress effectively:

1. Deep Mindful Breathing: Your breathing grows quicker and shallower when you are nervous. Slowing down your breathing is an excellent way to start. Slowly count to five as you breathe in, then slowly count to five as you breathe out.

2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Look for a peaceful place. Slowly tighten and then relax each muscle group from your toes to your head while closing your eyes. Hold the breath for three seconds before rapidly releasing it. This can help alleviate the physical tightness commonly associated with anxiety and stress.

3. Meditation is beneficial: Keep your focus on the current moment. Anxiety might cause your mind to dwell on a dreadful future that hasn’t yet occurred. Attempt to return to your original location.

4. Adopt a healthy way of living: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating whole foods, getting out into nature, spending time with family and friends, lowering stress, and engaging in activities that you love are excellent ways to reduce anxiety and stress and improve your overall well-being.

5. Exposure to stress stimulus: Avoiding what makes you uncomfortable may bring temporary respite, but it may make you more anxious in the long run. Even if it’s in a minor way, try approaching something that makes you nervous. Learning that what you dread is unlikely to happen – and that if it does, you’ll be able to cope with it – is the key to overcoming anxiety.

6. Change the way you talk to yourself: How you think impacts how you feel. Stress might cause you to exaggerate the risk of a situation while underestimating your capacity to deal with it. Rather than leaping to the worst-case scenario in a circumstance that makes you uneasy, try to think of various interpretations. Examine the evidence for and against your hypothesis.

7. Make a worry schedule: It’s challenging to quit worrying altogether, so set aside some time to do so. Even if you only spend 10 minutes each evening writing them down or going over them in your brain, it will help you avoid worrying at other times.

8. Learn about your stressors: Keep track of when it’s at its finest — and when it’s at its worst. Find the trends and organize your week – or day to manage your stress proactively.

9. Learn for others: Talking with people who have experienced stressful situations or are going through a similar situation might make you feel less alone. Connect with others in different forums.

10. Be kind to yourself: Keep in mind that your anxiousness and stress are not you. You are not a weak person. You are not a second-class citizen. You suffer from real issues, and you are not alone.

If you are struggling with a mental health issue or need someone to talk to, Let’s Connect at drdcoffey.com/mentalhealth. You do not have to do this alone.


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