“It takes a Village to change; we want YOU to be a part of ours.” Dr. Delice Coffey
I trust all is well and getting better.
We have started our 2nd Annual Coach Joe Free-Throw-A-Thon, and I am excited to share this with you.
I want to take a few minutes and give you more information on how we will use the funds we raise.
Our goal is to have a Sponsorship Endowment Fund. This way, we can serve student-athletes FOREVER!
• 100% of the donations will go towards the Sponsorship Endowed Fund.
• The Foundation does not have any paid staff. All team members (me included) are unpaid volunteers.
• The principal amount of the funds will be conservatively invested (initially in an FDIC-insured product such as a high-yield savings account, certificate of deposit, etc.) in accordance with our Investment Policy and Procedures.
• Each year after we reach our goal, the investment from the Sponsorship Endowed Fund will be used exclusively to award sponsorships to deserving student-athletes.
• This will allow your gift to benefit students – FOREVER!
100% of donations are tax-deductible as we are a federally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. No amount is too small.
Donor Recognition
We ask that our donors let us know how we can recognize them for their contributions in a way that will be meaningful to them.
We are looking for individuals to donate to our Endowment Sponsorship Fund to help sponsor underserved student-athletes in Showcase Games so they can be seen by scouts and get college scholarships. Who do you know?
Can I Count On Your Support?
Click DrDCoffey.com/Donate to donate and help sponsor deserving student-athletes who want to attend college and break generational chains of poverty and low-income living.
It takes a village to change lives; we want YOU to be a part of ours.
With Much Gratitude,
Dr. Delice Coffey
Founder & President