
Basketball Mental Skills Article

Mental Evaluation of Basketball Abilities

The first step in a mental evaluation to improvement your basketball abilities is adopting a humble attitude. Every player must realize that he or she has weakness and that there are better players out there. This is not to say you are not good, only to shed light that competition exists. If you are the best on your level, then move up!

If you view yourself as the best then you will have no reason or motivation to work hard to improve. If you lack humility and is overconfident this blinds you to what you need to work on then you will underachieve. If Michael Jordon could see the need to become stronger, a better shooter, and a better passer, then all basketball players should be able to find things to work on.

If you recall Michael Jordon was the third not the first selection in the 1984 NBA draft. Though in hindsight it is easy to criticize Houston and Portland for bypassing such a spectacular athlete, it is also true that at that point in his career Michael lacked the full array of skills needed to be an all-time great.

As a rookie, Michael’s three-point shooting was inconsistent and his mid-range jumper was only average. Also, he had yet to gain the mass and strength needed in his chest, shoulders, and arms in order to hold defensive position, post up effectively, and finish plays with contact against older, stronger NBA veterans. To his credit, he recognized those shortcomings, and he dedicated many hours on the court and in the weight room to convert those liabilities into assets.

Like Michael, every basketball player benefits from a mental evaluation of their basketball abilities, by identifying their strengths and weakness. This helps identify what to work on, defines playing roles based on individual strengths, and moves a player and team closer to full potential – peak performance!


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