The key is not the “will to win” – everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important – Bobby Knight
Pre-game routines are considered an important part of the game.
The importance of a pre-game routine is to help the athletes be totally prepared for a game no matter what may happen.
Sports psychology for basketball stresses that every athlete has different personalities; therefore, athletes have to come up with a pre-game routine that fits their personality. No two routines will be the same. Some athletes become motivated by listening to music while another might want to have a quiet time away from the team to get focused.
There is no right or wrong routine.
The key is that it feels right to you, it makes you feel confident and it encourages you to dominate the game.
How a Pre-game Routine can Build Confidence.
A pre-game routine can help athletes become more focused, gain more confidence and maintain the right level of discipline during the game.
The key to the success of a pre-game routine is that it must be consistent.
Practicing a pre-game routine consistently will help get the players in the right mindset before the game.
One of the shortcomings in basketball is having the inability to control every play. A lot of things are beyond your control like your opponents, the referees; the other coach, however, the focus is on controlling what you can control and that is your actions.
Pre-game routines can help you have control over your actions by enabling you to focus on what matters the most.
A pre-game routine will include the things you will do before a game.
Prior to your physical warm up, you may include listening to music, visualization, and meditation. These things will help get you in the right mindset before the start of a game so you can play to your full potential.
How a Pre-Game Routine can Improve Your Mental Game.
During a basketball game, situations that you did not prepare for are bound to happen.
It now depends on the strength of your basketball mental toughness to be able to control such situations. Whatever the situation is and for whatever reason, there is a place for preparing how you want to think, feel, and react in the moments. This is why a pre-game routine is very important as it helps you to prepare for the game mentally.
Pre-game routines should always start during practice. Make it part of your daily training and when game time comes it will be a natural part of what you do in preparation for the game.
Pre-game routines are designed to help you perform your very best during competition.
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Improving Your Mental Game in Basketball.