There are many basketball athletes that are held back by the fear of losing. Dealing with fear of failure is difficult as it results in a lot of anxiety and stress that sabotages the performance of the entire team. The fear of losing revolves around the perception of the player’s performance and the importance of his performance in the game, along with what others think about his performance. What players need is basketball mental toughness.
Most athletes are scared about letting their coach or team down. They might even be worried about not performing according to their parents’ and fans expectations. There is a lot that they worry about and this is common in the psychology of basketball.
Dealing with fear of failure isn’t exactly easy, but with constant efforts through sports psychology for basketball, a lot of improvement can be made. And of course when you are relaxed and fearless, you will play better.
Here are some powerful strategies for the Mental Side of Dealing With Fear.
1. Winners know that to err is human
If you have never failed, it means you have never made any efforts. If you want to succeed, you will have to make efforts, fail, and then learn from them.
2. Winners make fewer mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes, but the one who makes fewer mistakes wins. Most wars are won by error containment. You are entitled to make mistakes, but limit them. Apart from the real game, take the mental game of basketball in consideration as well.
3. Winners learn from mistakes
You can make errors, but do not remain in them. Learn from the errors so that you don’t make them again. If you don’t correct your mistake, it is like committing another mistake.
4. Winners move on
Do not keep thinking about your failures. In order to be a winner, you need to move on quickly. Failures help you identify the wrong ways of doing things. You should know that a failure is not the end of the road. You just took a wrong turn, and you should be ready to return to the right track soon.
5. Winners have a self coaching system
Your coach will help you beat your fears, but nothing helps you as much as your own self coaching system. Develop an art of living that works for you. Build your own mental game for basketball to help you out.
6. Winners know that failure is just a detour
Failures are nothing but minor delays in the path of big success. Albert Einstein said, “I think and think for months, for years. Ninety-nine times the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.” This was his strategy and he stayed with it. Not giving up was his solution to all the problems he faced.
7. Winners know how to admit their failures
When you admit your failure, it shows you are a secure person. We all fail sometimes and the person who says he has never failed is lying. Creating a perfect image is like creating a fragile world around you that can burst any second. Learn to accept your mistakes.
Dealing with fear of failure is easier said than done. But you need to develop a positive attitude to increase basketball mental toughness. That’s the Mental Side!
Hi, I’m not a basketball player but a hockey player but your article is very interesting. See I’d like to play in the highest division of my league but I have a hard time showing my skills on the ice. Yes I’m afraid of making mistakes but it’s not the mistakes that are getting me down it’s the judgement of others.
I’m afraid that if I miss a play or a shot that my teammates will think that I’m a bad player. Or if I’m trying a new skating technique in practice and I fall I’m afraid that others may think that I’m a bad skater.
See if I’m trying to deke a defenseman people could think that I tried to ”show off” or something like this.
I’m so focused on what others may think that I forget to use my skills.
Are there any tips that I could apply to help me with this issue ?
Unfortunately there are no quick tips I can give you to apply that will make everything ok because this is a process and what you feel is real.
Here are a few tips to JUST get you started in the right direction.
*Check your skills and make sure you can play the position well. Sometimes when you can not play your position well and with ease that will spark the fear of failure.
*If your skills are less that par focus there and improve on the fundamentals for your position.
*If your skills are up to par then it is mental.
*Develop a pregame routine and do it before games and practice. This will help you focus, concentrate and execute your plays well.
*If you are doing focusing, concentrating and executing your plays well,then you will not care what people think :-).
This is only a start. Not cure all. Let me know if you need further assistance and keep me posted on your progress.
All the Best!