
Basketball Mental Skills Article

Staying Focused on the Goal

When a discussion turns to the story of Jeremy Lin we can only realize one thing for sure; this is a true underdog story. What Jeremy Lin has accomplished in the NBA is the epitome of basketball mental toughness, commitment and a sincere mind of determination and knowledge of the game.

At 6 foot 3 inches, Lin is an average height. The other four NBA players that have come out of China have been 7 feet or taller; that in itself represent’s Lin’s mental game for basketball and his incredible talent and determination. Originally from Taiwan is even more incredible where basketball and the NBA are a mere dream to merge in talent.

But Lin has always had a dream of reaching his full potential as a basketball player and his basketball psychology always kept him focused on this dream. He believed in himself and his abilities long before others did. He was ignored by all Division I colleges and universities except for Harvard. After that he was cut by two NBA teams before finally joining the Knicks. No fan, not even the “rabid” ones had Lin on their radar to be a success in the NBA but Lin has and continues to prove them all wrong. What is now referred to as “Linsanity” is a phenomenon that has been as surprising and breathtaking to Lin as it has to anyone.

What this proves is the importance of sports psychology for basketball. Without the right psychology and focus for the game, Lin would never have made it as far as he has and continues to playing for the Knicks. Again, without a doubt basketball mental toughness is impossible to ignore. It is a critical component for any player at any level to have in order to be successful in today’s extremely competitive world of sports.

Coming from China to the United States without one Division 1 College or university even giving him a second glance except Harvard is one hurdle he overcame. Then to have not one but two NBA teams cut him is the next hurdle. To finally settle down in New York with the Knicks has caused Lin to realize that with a determined focused mind and basketball mental toughness, success is possible for anyone that has the talent couple with focus and mental toughness.

Look at the fans. The stores can’t keep Lin jerseys in stock. His followers on Weibo have gone from 150,000 to 1.4 million in one week. It’s an unbelievable underdog story that we must all learn and be encouraged by.

As Lin himself said, “We’re caught up witnessing what we see globally as a passion for sport, really a love of the underdog story and the global appeal for the NBA and that’s all come through in spades in a short period of time, in about 10 days.”


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