
Basketball Mental Skills Article

Lebron James – What was he thinking?

The 2012 NBA All-Star Game had an unbelievable battle with an uncharacteristic end. But that’s what sports are all about. The mental toughness to be able to endure a battle or game until the bitter end and leave everything you have out on the floor.

The question remains of the game; did Lebron James leave it all out on the floor? From the view of some spectators’ one would venture to say no, while others would say give it a rest and leave the guy alone. Because of his greatness he is over criticized.

To look closer, let’s look at one of the greats, Michael Jordan. Had Jordan been in the position that Lebron was in, in the All-Star game without question he would have taken the shot. So why didn’t Lebron? What was he thinking? There are as many theories on that as there are answers. Some have said he needs to be more of a team player so perhaps that is what was going thru his mind at the end of the game. That he needed to pass it off to a teammate to allow for another player to take the shot.

Still others question his mental confidence and mental toughness. Without question Lebron has improved his mental preparation for games through the years. As he played for the Cavaliers you could see his mental game as well as his physical game improve with each passing year. But perhaps he still has not reached the point yet where he is intended to be. One would venture to say without a doubt he will.

In regard to this game the press and media and majority of fans have questioned Lebron’s mental preparedness, basketball confidence and mental toughness as a result of him making a wayward long pass off instead of either shooting a 3-pointer or driving past Bryant and attempting a closer shot. It’s hard to say. When a professional in the NBA is regarded as high as Lebron James his mental confidence and preparation must be at the point where without thinking the best play is always made.

Additionally, it’s difficult to wonder what Lebron was thinking. One would venture to say it could be the mental confidence to do what the greats have done before, which is to have the courage, basketball confidence and mental toughness to be able to take a shot when it’s coming to the end of a tight game. But without question, Lebron will and can ascertain this mental confidence. He clearly knew he should have taken the shot, so what was he thinking?

What does this say? That should the case ever arise again one would venture to say he will take the shot. Learning and improving mentally in the game of basketball is just like in any other area of life. If lessons are learned as we go along we tend not to repeat the same mistakes and instead grow psychologically and internally in the ways that will lead us to success and not disappointment. We may never know what Lebron James was thinking, but what I do know is Lebron James is a great player and he is human! Lebron – Stay focus and keep it moving!!


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