
Basketball Mental Skills Article

The Psychological Make Up of Great Athletes

There is no doubt about it that when we discuss great athletes there has to be mention and attention given to their incredible psychological mind and make up for the game they play in. Great athletes possess a basketball mental toughness that plays a tremendous part in enabling them to gain the label of a great athlete.

We see videos of Michael Jordan very sick with the flu and yet giving it his all in a playoff game. And then we see Jay Cutler with what somewhat considered a mild injury choose to sit out the rest of a playoff game while playing for the Broncos even though the doctors had cleared him to play. What is the difference between these two examples? Without a doubt it is the psychological make-up and basketball mental toughness of a player that determines whether or not he or she will go down as one of the all time greats.

What about Magic Johnson? He regularly played all 5 positions on the floor. He could rebound, take the short jumpers, hit the long shots, the 3’s, play solid defense, run the offense from the point guard spot and elevate his game to carry the team when needed. Don’t forget about Scottie Pippen, Horace Grant, Kareen Abdul-Jabbar and Bill Walton . They not only had the physical talent but they had the psychological makeup and the basketball mental toughness to win that enabled them to compete at a high level no matter what was thrown at them.

Some of the psychological indicators of a great athlete are determination, ability to play at a high level thru injury or illness, focus, positive attitude, confidence and belief in themselves despite what others may believe, say or do. These traits do not come easy for many athletes. But with the right mental preparation and attention to the game you are involved in you can achieve peak performance.

Other indicators of the psychological makeup of great athletes is a consistent pre game routine. This will also help in developing your basketball mental toughness. Great athletes are relaxed at games. This is achieved by doing relaxation techniques prior to the game. Many listen to music, meditate, and do a mental tune-up prior to the games. Each of these has it place in the mental training sequence and if it is not done one will know immediately that they are not fully prepared.

Great athletes must have each piece in the proper sequence and with a full commitment before the game or the emotional balance will be off. These great athletes are able to transform negative images into positive ones; replace old visual cues with new performance-enhanced ones; and use their dreams to map interventions for winning games. These are all ingredients that work. This is why they are great athletes.

If you find yourself thinking negatively while playing, not being able to play thru an injury or illness, lacking confidence and/or belief in your abilities then perhaps you should consider working with a mental game coach. They are trained to help build within the athlete the mindset that is needed to reach peak performance.

Additionally, you can read some books that have been written by the great athletes of our century. You must first realize it’s not about spending hours in the gym or on the court but also about developing the mental game of basketball, basketball mental toughness and the ability to overcome whatever obstacle that is thrown at you.


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