experience the success
“If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results”. Unknown In basketball, the zone is the place in a player’s game where the mental and physical come together and gel. It’s the time when everything is falling into place, and the players are playing effortlessly. When […]
“My brain, It cannot process failure. It will not process failure. Because if I sit there and have to face myself and tell myself, ‘You’re a failure, I think that’s almost worse than death.” Kobe Bryant Affirmation has been shown to have positive effects on performance. Research suggests that it can minimize performance anxiety while […]
Did you know… Dwelling on past mistakes can hinder your performance? A sport psychology researcher John Dunn, whose research focuses on how athletes react to the high standards they set, found that athletes who accept loss are best prepared to win. Not being able to let go of past mistakes can lead to a negative […]
Did you know… Mental rehearsal can significantly help you stay calm in the clutch and build your confidence? Research by UC Barkley suggests that mental rehearsal can effectively alleviate anxiety while increasing desired performance behaviors such as self-belief and self-confidence. For more information check out an Athlete’s Guide to Peak performance Series – Building Confidence. https://livingwellcentre.com/products
Did you know… The practice of positive self-talk is something that can be learned and can be extremely useful in managing the mental and physical symptoms of anxiety? Research by Dr. Frode Moen, an associate professor at the Department of Education at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, suggests that self-talk isn’t just an […]