experience the success
“Basketball is like photography, if you don’t focus, all you have is the negative.” -Dan Frisby, Focusing is all about the mental basketball game. It’s how you use your mind to give yourself a competitive advantage and keep your mind entirely in the moment, deflecting any other thoughts that may cause a mere distraction. It […]
“My success is the outcome of my work. I am willing to do the work.” Delice Coffey Did you know… Worrying about what others think can hurt your performance? Ruminating about the darker side of a life event can fuel depression and anxiety. A study by Yale University Psychologist Susan Nolen-Hoeksema shows that athlete’s gets […]
“My success is the outcome of my work. I am willing to do the work.” Delice Coffey Did you know… Dwelling on Past Mistakes: A sport psychology researcher John Dunn, whose research focuses on how athletes react to the high standards they set, found that athletes who accept loss are best prepared to win. Not […]
“I would tell players to relax and never think about what’s at stake. Just think about the basketball game. If you start to think about who is going to win the championship, you’ve lost your focus.” Michael Jordan Competition can trigger various emotions and shifts in a player’s attitude especially when different parties are working […]