experience the success
“Confidence comes from being prepared” — John Wooden. It is quite common for most of us to have a set of commonly held core beliefs about ourselves, about the future and about people in our lives. These core beliefs are often so deeply embedded in our, where else, “cores,” to the point that we are […]
“I’m a firm believer in goal setting. Step by step. I can’t see any other way of accomplishing anything” – Michael Jordan Success in sports, as in any other achievement arena, depends on both skill and motivation. And motivation includes striving for particular goals. Having a goal and working toward it is a fundamental component […]
“Being afraid on the court means you’re not confident in your skills.” – Michael Jordan, Learning to improve your self-confidence can help you to meet your goals and to find the success that you want in your basketball mental game. Having confidence helps you to take on challenges, to focus on your goals, and to […]
“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life”— Muhammad Ali The world mourns one of the greatest sportsmen ever to have lived. People around the world woke up to the news of Muhammad’s passing. Muhammad Ali died at the age of 74. The former world heavyweight boxing champion died […]