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“I can get better at everything I do, and I always improve.” Jahlil Okafor Having mental toughness is more than owning a strong mental game of basketball – it is proving one’s self time after time that an absolute mental confidence and resiliency are always present in the athlete’s With the recent professional basketball draft […]


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“Growing up and (being) from Chicago, Michael Jordan is everything there,” Kaminsky said. “He still is. I had all of his posters on my wall, ‘Space Jam’ was my favorite movie. It’s just crazy to me that he thought highly enough of me to pick me with the ninth pick in the Draft, and I’m […]


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“When I lose the sense of motivation and the sense to prove something as a basketball player, it’s time for me to move away from the game.” Michael Jordan Michael Jordan could write the definitive book on basketball mental toughness, being great, and the adversity that comes in the ongoing pursuit of athletic greatness. His […]


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“The most important key to achieving great success is to decide upon your goal and launch, get started, take action, move.” John Wooden The mental game of basketball hinges entirely on how one prepares for competition by way of practice, actualization and goal setting. Basketball psychology for the modern game is comprised of many different […]


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“Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.” John Wooden The quote above summarizes a strong mindset on basketball psychology spoken with the proven success of multi-collegiate champion and record-setting men’s basketball coach John Wooden. Being […]


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“As much as we pump iron and we run to build our strength up, we need to build our mental strength up… so we can focus… so we can be in concert with one another.” Phil Jackson Legendary professional basketball Coach Phil Jackson knows the ways of sports psychology for basketball and what it takes […]


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