experience the success
“I know fear is an obstacle for some people, but it is an illusion to me . . . Failure always made me try harder next time.” – Michael Jordan Possessing the attribute of basketball mental toughness is often what separates the good athletes from the great athletes. Unlocking each athlete’s own unique basketball mind […]
“Do not permit what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” — John Wooden When it comes to sports psychology for basketball, expectations can be divided up into two types. Those are realistic and unrealistic expectations. Realistic expectations can be defined as things that an athlete can achieve within the confines of their […]
“Let’s face it, we’re all imperfect and we’re going to fall short on occasion. But we must learn from failure and that will enable us to avoid repeating our mistakes. Through adversity, we learn, grow stronger, and become better people.”- John Wooden We have all heard the saying that “practice makes perfect”, to some extent […]
“I do envision championship basketball and when you talk about championship basketball, you talk about a good defensive team, you talk about a good offensive team and you talk about a team that really has its act together once they step on the floor. Our goal is to dominate the east and we must continue […]
“Be led by your dreams, not your problems” – John Wooden If ever there was a mental game, basketball is it. With pace, strategy, emotions, scenarios, pressures, physical and mental demands all being thrown into the melting pot things can relentlessly boil over on the court for athletes of all ages and at levels. Basketball […]