experience the success
Getting into the zone is the result of intense mental preparation as well as physical and game ready preparation. It is not just one thing. Some think that players get themselves in the zone by only preparing themselves physically or by knowing the plays. Quite the contrary, getting in the zone requires being mentally tough […]
In basketball psychology the zone is the place in a player or a group of player’s game where they all seem to come together and gel. It’s the time when psychologically everything is falling into place and the player or players are almost playing effortlessly. When you see a player playing in the zone it […]
The 2012 Men’s Olympic team displayed stellar performance and a strong mental toughness throughout the Games culminating with the thrilling 107-100 win over Spain for the gold medal. These players are the cream of the NBA, so they are known for their basketball mental toughness, basketball confidence and prowess. However, many of the players for […]
Basketball psychology is in essence the study of how mental attitudes shape performance on the court. Basketball psychology studies have shown that although physical conditioning and teamwork are crucial to success in basketball, mental toughness is every bit as valuable as physical prowess. When the buzzer rings and the game is on, it’s the mental […]
Confidence is defined as “a sureness about your abilities and the expectation that those abilities will lead you to a positive outcome.” This is a great definition of confidence. It encompasses both a belief in yourself and your abilities as well as a belief in your future success. These two factors put together with basketball […]