experience the success
The psychological effects of a lockout can be devastating for NBA players. It can have serious repercussions on the psyche and self worth of a professional player, who stands to lose out on weeks, months or maybe even years of time in the prime of his playing career. Although in basketball mental toughness is a […]
There are many basketball athletes that are held back by the fear of losing. Dealing with fear of failure is difficult as it results in a lot of anxiety and stress that sabotages the performance of the entire team. The fear of losing revolves around the perception of the player’s performance and the importance of […]
Basketball psychology simply says that behind every successful shoot at the basket lies a strong mental and physical balance. A large part of the basketball game is mental and to build your mental game you must have confidence. Sports psychology for basketball draws from the fact that if you keep thinking negative your results will […]
What do, top-level athletes, all have in common? They have mastered the skill of mental toughness. An often-asked question is how does mental toughness relate to basketball? Firstly, it is important to know that mental toughness is a learned skill, that it is a necessity for all athletes to master and needs to be trained […]