experience the success
Hello My Friend! Did you read my article in the July OTB Magazine about the student-athlete we helped turn her life around and get a scholarship to college? In that article, I talked about our commitment to helping Shamyia and her brother on all levels. Shamiya lost her mother to cancer, and her behavior and […]
“I never looked at the consequences of missing a big shot…when you think about the consequences, you always think of a negative result”. Michael Jordan The successful basketball player understands the critical role that free throws play in the strategy to win games. A player with basketball confidence uses mental toughness to maintain consistency both […]
“I have learned that peace is not the absence of trial, trouble, or torment but the presence of calm in the midst of them” Don Meyer The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure is directly linked to your performance on the court. It is a key athletic trait of successful basketball […]
Presented by Xtreme and D. Coffey foundation for Athletics & Education Are you a non-profit or Foundation? Do you serve on a board? What about volunteering? What do you do to make a difference in the world? Join forces with us, and let’s change lives together at our 1st Annual Coach Joe Free-Throw-A-Thon. THE FACTS […]