
Elevate Your Game NOW!

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“Remember physical is part of it and mental is the heart of it.”  Dr. Delice Coffey Finding good strategies for staying in the zone when you are on the court can be challenging. Part of building basketball mental toughness is understanding the concept of being ‘in the zone’ and how you can build on that. […]


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“When players practice what is known as mindfulness–simply paying attention to what’s actually happening–not only do they play better and win more, they also become more attuned with each other.” Phil Jackson In order to obtain optimal performance in basketball, the mind and body must be in sync and work in coordination with each other; […]


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“Awareness is everything. The secret is not thinking. That doesn’t mean being stupid. It means quieting the endless jabbering of thoughts so that your body can do instinctively what it’s been trained to do without the mind getting in the way.” Phil Jackson In order to obtain optimal performance in basketball, the mind and body […]


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“Physical is part of it and mental is the heart of it“. Dr. Delice Coffey There are several benefits associated with mental game coaching, so why are athletes so reluctant to use this valuable service? Many athletes are reluctant to seek out a mental game coach because of the social stigma that still exists when […]


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“If you are afraid to fail, then you’re probably going to fail.” Kobie Bryant Many athletes are held back by the fear of losing or fear of failure in their performance. Dealing with fear of failure is difficult as it results in a lot of anxiety and stress that sabotages your performance and the team’s […]


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“Confidence is a lot of this game or any game. If you don’t think you can, you won’t.” Jerry West Basketball psychology is, in essence, the study of how mental attitudes shape performance on the court. Basketball psychology studies have shown that although physical conditioning and teamwork are crucial to success in basketball, mental toughness […]


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